An afternoon in Benifallet, Terres del Ebre

An afternoon in Benifallet – The village is located in the Region of Baix Ebro, Catalonia. It is situated directly along the Ebro river, and therefore forms part of ‘Les Terres del Ebre’. Even though the village itself is very small, the direct connection to the nature around it allows us to spend a relaxing Sunday afternoon there. 

The Food - A village full of options

While it can get very hot in this Region in summer, the activities we are proposing are perfect for summer to cool off a little bit. Of course, you can enjoy them in any other season as well.

Even though the village is small, it offers many places to have lunch for all budgets.

The options range from many good affordable bars for a quick lunch such as Bar Panxo, Els Fogons De Cal Ferrer and Bar Ca Treig to options for a more elaborated longer lunch in a Restaurant there are nice options such as ‘Restaurant Xiringuito’ and ‘Restaurant Ca Miquel’.

That day we went for lunch to ‘Restaurant Pepo’, which is a well known place in this area. On the menu you’ll find traditional Catalan Food for normal prices. On weekdays, as most places do, they serve a very good closed menu of three courses including Water, Wine and bread.

Activity #1 - The ‘Coves Meravelles’ (Wonderful Caves)

The Wonderful caves (Coves meravelles)
The Wonderful caves (Coves meravelles)
The Wonderful caves (Coves meravelles)

The Coves Meravelles are natural caves, which have been known and forming since ancient times. They are located just outside of Benifallet in the top of a Mountain.

There are 6 subterranean caves in total of which two can be visited.

You should book tickets in advance which can be done over email of phone. The tickets include a guided tour in Spanish or Catalan. Nevertheless, in our group where many people who didn’t speak any Spanish/Catalan and they still enjoyed the visit very much. You can read about the caves in advance as well.

The Wonderful caves (Coves meravelles)
The Wonderful caves (Coves meravelles)
The Wonderful caves (Coves meravelles)
The Wonderful caves (Coves meravelles)

The visit takes 45 minutes and there is a tour every hour. You will be visiting 2 different Caves with different natural beautiful formations. One very stunning fact about these formations has been that they grow one centimeter in 100 years. When seeing the meter-high formations it is hard to remember how many thousands of years the formations have been structuring and growing. A real natural Wonder!

After the visit we had a quick drink at the Bar of the Caves before heading down to the village again for our next adventure.

We purchased the Combi-ticket of the Cave entrance and tour as well as an hour long ride of the Benifallet icon ‘El Llagut’. We payed 15€ each for both activities together (July, 2023)

Activity #2 - A boatride on the Ebro river

At 5:50 pm the boat was already waiting for us at the little landing stage. A very nice woman greeted us and checked out tickets. At the caves, they already provided us with the tickets for the boat as well.

Boat Ride on Ebro River
Boat Ride on Ebro River

We chose a seat and the the boat ride begins. 

I love the river and being on the river, because you are surrounded by greenery and pure nature. Being on the river really makes you feel calm and happy.

The boat ride takes around one hour. In the first half an hour the lovely guide talks you through the scenery, the history, the flora and the Fauna of the River. In the second half an hour we just enjoyed the scenery in silence.

Boat Ride on Ebro River
Boat Ride on Ebro River
Boat Ride on Ebro River

There couldn’t be any ending more perfect to a relaxing but yet adventurous weekend in the beautiful Terres del Ebre (The Lands of the Ebro).