Thin Spinach-Feta-Quiche

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Whenever I am invited to any gathering, I bring this Thin Spinach-Feta-Quiche. It is a very quick and easy recipe and perfect to be prepared the day before.


Servings: 6
Preparation time: 15 min
Cooking time: 20

The Ingredients:

  • Unsweetened flaky pie crust
  • 1.5 handful of Spinach
  • 4 eggs
  • half a block of Feta
  • half an onion
  • handful of shredded cheese
  • One clove of garlic
  • Spices: Salt, Pepper, Nutmeg, Oregano

Thin Spinach-Feta-Quiche - The Recipe

Step 1: Pre-heat the oven according to the pie-crust recipe/instructions

Step 2: Wash the Spinach, cut the onions and garlic in small cubes and sauté in a pan with a tablespoon of olive oil. Once cooked, set a side to cool down for a couple of minutes.

Step 3: While this is cooking, take a bowl and beat the eggs until foaming. Crumble the Feta into the egg. Add the handful of shredded cheese. Season with Salt, pepper, Oregano and nutmeg.

Step 4: Add the cooked Spinach, Onion and Garlic into the egg-mixture.

Thin Spinach-Feta-Quiche
Thin Spinach-Feta-Quiche
Thin Spinach-Feta-Quiche

Step 5: Put the Pie-Crust-doe into your pie/quiche baking dish. Put it in the oven for around 5 minutes to pre-cook the doe. Tipp: I always add baking paper to the baking dish for the doe not to stick. If you do not add baking paper, make sure to grease your dish with butter or olive oil before adding the doe.

Step 6: Take the half-cooked doe out of the oven and add the egg-spinach-cheese mixture into the baking dish and onto the pie doe. Crumple some extra feta on top.

Step 7: Put the Quiche into the oven for 10 minutes until the doe is cooked and the egg-mixture has hardened.

Step 8: Serve and Enjoy!

If you wish to make a normal-sized quiche and not a thin one, you can double the ingredients. Just make sure to cook it longer since the mixture will need more time to harden. 

Thin Spinach-Feta-Quiche
Thin Spinach-Feta-Quiche