Tortilla de Berenjena – Spanish style Aubergine Omelette

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This recipe for Tortilla de Berenjena (Aubergine Omelette) is my go when needing to use up already wrinkly Aubergine. The preparation is quick and easy and the leftovers are just as delicious the day after.

The Ingredients

Servings: 2

Preparation time: 5 minutes

Cooking time: 20 minutes


  • 1 Aubergine (Eggplant)
  • 3-4 Eggs
  • 1 small onion
    + Salt

Tortilla de Berenjena - The Recipe

Step 1: Cut your Onions in small cubes. Quarter your Aubegine and then cut into triangle slices (aprox. 1-2 cm thick (0.5 inches)).

Step 2: Add 2-3 table spoons of olive oil to a (none sticking!!) pan. If your pan sticks, you will end up with scrambled eggs. Add your onions and Aubergine.

Step 3: Cook on medium until the aubergine is completely soft. Depending on the size of your slices this can take between 10-25 minutes. to test if the Aubergine is soft just squish it with a spoon or fork, until it looks like the pictures below. While cooking, cover the pan with a lid. Make sure to stirr the Aubergine every 3-4 minutes.

Step 4: While the Aubergine is cooking, in a bowl whisk your eggs (3-4) depending on the size of your Aubergine.

Step 5: Once the Aubergine is soft, remove the lid, add some salt and let it cook without a lid for 2 minutes more.

Step 6: Turn off your stove and add the cooked Aubergine and Onion to the bowl with the egg. Whisk the whole mixture together and let it sit for 2-3 minutes

Tortilla de Berenjena - Spanish Style Aubergine Omelette
Tortilla de Berenjena - Spanish Style Aubergine Omelette
Tortilla de Berenjena - Spanish Style Aubergine Omelette

Step 7: Heat up your pan again to high heat. Add the whole egg-Aubergine-onion mixture to the pan so that it covers the whole bottom of the pan. Let it cook for 2 minutes until you see the sides of the omelette getting cooked. Take a plate that is bigger than your pan, cover the pan with the plate and carefully but quickly flip the Pan upside down. Now your Omelette is lying with the cooked side on top on your plate. Put the pan back on the stove. Take your plate with your omelette and slowly add it back to the pan to cook the other side.

Cook the other side for 1 minute on higher heat if you are like me and you like the inner of your Tortilla to still be a little liquidy. If you prefer the the egg-aubergine mixture to be completely cooked then let the other side cook for 2-3 minutes on medium heat.

Step 8: When done, do another round of flipping the Tortilla onto your plate to serve and enjoy!!

Tortilla de Berenjena - Spanish Style Aubergine Omelette
Tortilla de Berenjena - Spanish Style Aubergine Omelette
Tortilla de Berenjena - Spanish Style Aubergine Omelette
Tortilla de Berenjena - Spanish Style Aubergine Omelette

The Tortilla de Berenjena can be served on its own, with Salat or traditionally with a little bit of ‘Pan con Tomate’